From the WBWC Blog:

Peer Counseling Breastfeeding Support Program

By Dzidzai Muyengwa

We have some exciting new changes coming to WBWC this summer and we wanted to take this opportunity to give you some information about our new Peer Counseling Breastfeeding Support Program. This program is being offered to provide birth center breastfeeding parents with some extra support during pregnancy and for the length of their breastfeeding journey.


What is a peer counselor?

A peer counselor is a parent who breastfed at least one child, who then completes specialized training to learn about supporting other breastfeeding parents. The peer counselor is trained to support typical challenges in breastfeeding, and can also help you decide when it may be time to seek support from a Lactation Consultant. There is a strong evidence base for the effects of peer counselors on improving breastfeeding outcomes.


Our peer counselor is someone you all know and love – Tracey Jones, who you see in the lab at almost every visit! We will begin enrolling interested patients starting in the coming weeks, with a special focus on those who may not otherwise have easy access to breastfeeding support or education.  We are excited about this new opportunity to better serve WBWC families!

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