by Kaaren Haldeman
Hello WBWC and happy almost-fall! At our last meeting on July 18, the Board approved our final lease, including the use of Suite 206. Many thanks to Bruce Nelson, Vice-Chair, and Brianna Honea for the extra extra hours they put in to finalize this work! Several of us met in the suite yesterday and it looks fantastic! Thanks to the staff who helped move furniture and arrange a warm and inviting atmosphere.
We would like to thank Brianna and Maureen Darcey for all of their extraordinary work toward our re-accreditation during the weekend of July 28. Long hours of preparation and hosting went into this very important work.
The Board also learned of the new addition to the WBWC family, Heather Hogan, CNM. Welcome, Heather! We look forward to meeting you soon and hope your transition has been a great one.
Please stay tuned for a board-staff social event when we can introduce the full board to our staff and put faces to all of our names!
Finally, we are looking for a CPA to join our board, so if anyone is interested or you know of someone whom we might contact, please email me, Kaaren Haldeman, at