Community Events (All Community Events are on pause as a result of the Covid-19 Pandemic)

Community Events

(All Community Events are on pause as a result of the Covid-19 Pandemic)

Our Living Room (room 304) is regularly opened to the greater community to host many recurring and one-time events. Many of these are free, and all are open to everyone! View our full calendar here: Here are some of the recurring ones:

La Leche League Evening Group

La Leche League meetings emphasize the joys of breastfeeding while they inform and encourage mothers who wish to nurse their babies.

Mother-to-mother support is at the heart of La Leche League: getting to know other women who have breastfed their babies can be helpful and reassuring.

It is also important to have accurate, up-to-date information. La Leche League Leaders guide discussion at meetings and answer questions from the group or individually. La Leche League Leaders are experienced mothers who have breastfed their own babies and who have been trained and accredited by La Leche League International to help mothers and mothers-to-be with all aspects of breastfeeding.

All mothers and mothers-to-be are welcome. You do not need to be a WBWC patient to join. Babies and children are welcome too!

To learn more or find groups in other areas, visit La Leche League of NC: or a similar organization, Nursing Mothers of Raleigh

First Friday of the month at 10:00 a.m. and second Wednesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. The Living Room (suite 304).

Free. No reservation needed – just show up!

Triangle Babywearers

Learn the safe, healthy way to wear your baby in different carriers and positions, the pros and cons of carriers and receive one-on-one help.

1st Saturday every month. 10:00 a.m. to noon. Suite 304.

Led by accredited volunteer Triangle Babywearing educators. All mothers, babies, children, and mothers-to-be are welcome. You do not need to be a WBWC patient to join.

Infant Craniosacral Therapy Clinic

For infants who have not yet started to crawl. This typically runs on a “first come, first served” schedule, so there may be a wait. For more information, or to notify use of your intention to come, please contact

What is Craniosacral Therapy?

Craniosacral therapy is a safe and gentle therapy that uses very light tough to ease areas of tightness or restriction in the connective tissue of the body. The treatment restores mobility and creates more space in places in the body where there are stuck places. This promotes optimal shape, movement and function of the head, spine, and body.

The craniosacral therapist uses his/her hands to locate and release areas of tension in the body. The treatment is baby-led, nothing is ever forced, and most release techniques use five grams of pressure (the weight of a nickel). It doesn’t hurt or tickle, but allows for release and relaxation for improved health.

When is Craniosacral Therapy a good idea?

  • Asymmetrical head shapes or face/jaw
  • Medically-assisted birth (forceps, vacuum) or birth trauma/injury
  • Breastfeeding difficulties
  • Unhappy disposition (startling easy, scared, angry, irritated, not comfortable in body)
  • Digestive issues (constipation, vomiting, excess spit-up, reflux, colic)
  • Before/after procedures (tongue-tie clipping, other medical procedures)
  • Congenital or neurological problems

Practitioners: Ellen Chetwynd, Joanne Dahill, Annie Freeman and Kathy Perry

Request an Appointment →

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