From the WBWC Blog:

The Birth Story of Nova Genevieve

by Alyssa Wells

In July of 2016, I became a mama to a beautiful baby girl named Iris. I delivered her at Women’s Birth & Wellness Center with my husband, mother, doula, and wonderful midwife, Belinda. I gave birth in the water and all in all had  a marvelous experience! It’s no surprise when I found I was expecting again, I chose the midwives at WBWC again!
Everything about this pregnancy was very similar to my first pregnancy. We were overjoyed to find out we were expecting another girl since our babies were going to be so close in age. My due date was October 27th, making my girls about 16 months apart. Built-in best friends!
Photo credit: Ashley Wheeler Photography
At 40 weeks and 5 days, labor began exactly like my first birth with contractions beginning at midnight. With my first, I was able to go to sleep for about 5 hours, so after timing a few contractions and realizing this is probably real, I decided to get some rest. Unfortunately, I woke up after only an hour to strong contractions that I couldn’t sleep through. After trying to fall back asleep and realizing I couldn’t, I woke up my husband around 2 AM to let him know I was in labor. We decided to call my doula. I knew I was in active labor, but since I had only been laboring for 2 hours, I told my doula it was too early for her to come. I was so tired, and I was going to try again to get some rest. After about an hour and half, I was beginning to have to really work through each contraction. My husband began applying counter pressure on my hips, and I felt that I really needed him to get me through the contractions. I sent him downstairs to get me something to eat and had a few contractions alone, and knew I needed my doula with me. At about 4 AM, I called her and told her I needed her and she let me know she could get to my house at 5:45am. I then called Laura, the on-call midwife, to let her know I was in labor. When she heard me go through a contraction, she suggested I come in.
After being in labor for only 4 hours, it seemed too early for me to head to the birth center, but I did have a 35 minute drive. I decided Laura was right, and I told her I’d be heading there within the hour. In the half hour it took for my husband to pack up the car, my contractions really picked up intensity. My parents were staying with us and were awake at this point, and I vocalized through each wave while I hung onto my mom’s shoulders. We knew we couldn’t wait for my doula to get to me, so we phoned her to have her meet us at the birth center instead. My dad drove us to the birth center while my husband applied counter pressure on my hips. Thankfully, at 5 AM, there wasn’t too much traffic and we got there around 5:45. The ride was intense and my husband and my dad were concerned we weren’t going to make it!
We arrived to the birth center, and just walking into the building was difficult, as every few steps, I would have a contraction. I felt like I was losing control and was dreading each wave that hit me. I was in a terrible mood and wasn’t looking forward to having a cervical check. Laura was very understanding and made me feel like I was respected and heard. She checked me and I was 8 centimeters dilated! It felt so good to hear I was that far along that I started tearing up. Laura and nurse Emily started helping me decide where and how to labor. I labored leaning over the bed for a while while Emily applied counter pressure on my hips. I was in a lot of pain and had trouble gaining mental control so I decided to get in the tub, knowing it was a lot of relief in my previous birth.
When I got in the tub, I noticed immediate relief and finally got a chance to “relax.” Around that time, my doula walked in, and I was so happy to see her familiar face. She quickly got by my side and coached me along with Laura. Moments later, I began feeling the urge to push. I started pushing with my contractions, but I didn’t feel any progress and was starting to feel even more negative. Laura questioned if I was far enough dilated, stating that sometimes when you push and nothing is happening, there is a cervical lip in the way. Remembering that is exactly what happened at my first birth, I had Laura check me again and sure enough I was 9 centimeters with a cervical lip. We decided it was best to just have her push it out of the way during my next contraction. This was painful, but I was determined to get this baby out!! After that, I was at a 10 but with a bulging water bag and I was so exhausted, I agreed to have Laura break my water.
Photo credit: Katelyn Eubanks
Immediately after my water broke, I felt my baby girl descend. I finally felt positive and in control. Pushing was such a relief as my mind finally caught up to what my body was doing. I no longer felt out of control. All my surroundings completely disappeared as I began concentrating on the way I was pushing, and focusing during the ring of fire in hopes I wouldn’t tear. Then her head was born! But I stopped feeling contractions and all urges to push were gone. Laura, my doula, and Emily all tried to get my legs up to help my pelvis open up, but it wasn’t happening, so Laura had me get out of the tub and onto my hands and knees.
As soon as I got on the floor, she came out without any pushing, and at 7:03am (1 hour and 15 minutes after arriving at the birth center) my beautiful baby was born, on land!
Photo credit: Katelyn Eubanks
I felt a wave of emotions holding my baby in my arms: excitement, exhaustion and relief. I made it through yet another unmedicated birth and got to witness another one of the Lord’s miracles firsthand. Nova Genevieve was born November 2, 2017 weighing 8 pounds, 5 ounces, and was 22 inches long — 3 inches longer than her older sister! She was covered from head to toe in vernix, which I was ecstatic about! I was able to get in the bed and do skin-to-skin with Nova while we waited for the cord to stop pulsating. My husband got to cut the cord, and he also got to do skin-to- skin while I delivered the placenta and got cleaned up. We were both on a birth high, drifting in “Babyland” all morning!
Photo credit: Katelyn Eubanks
As I reflect on her birth, I am so thankful for the freedoms allowed at the birth center, to listen to my body, to let me make the choices I needed to safely birth my child, and to move about as needed. Because of those freedoms, even with a little bit of dystocia from being in the tub, I was able to deliver my baby safely. I didn’t tear at all, my baby’s vernix was rubbed in, and my recovery was so easy. I’m thankful for the staff helping to keep birth as natural as possible, as God intended it. Nova’s birth was so similar to Iris’s in the way it began, it was hard getting my mind to understand it was all happening so much quicker! From first contraction to baby in my arms, it was 7 hours. Looking back, I wish I had my doula come to me right away instead of believing it was going to be an all day affair like her sister’s 19-hour labor. It was quite a whirlwind, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I have nothing but positive thoughts surrounding the birth of our sweet Nova!
Photo credit: Ashley Wheeler Photography

4 thoughts on “The Birth Story of Nova Genevieve”

  1. I love the picture…holding Nova, fresh and steaming, to your chest…the look on your face! That was exactly how I felt when Sarah put my first daughter up on my chest……sheer emotion.

  2. We had our son there that morning too! Got there around 3am, labor stalled, and he finally came closer to 11:30. How fun to read what was happening one room over 🙂 So glad you had a great birth!

  3. Such a beautiful story. I felt the same when I had my son Samir at WBWC. It was amazing how I felt when I saw his head and then finally when he was born and on my chest. Such a wonderful experience. God bless you and your husband with your precious babies! 😘

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