From the WBWC Blog:

Consider Giving

This is a great time of year when we spend time with family and friends and reflect on the spirit of the holiday season.  We hope that as you consider your gift giving, you will remember that your support of our birth center is essential!  
 At Women’s Birth &Wellness Center we believe that every woman has a right to excellent, healthcare, to have her cultural preferences honored and to be an active partner in her own healthcare.
 WBWC Mission:
We are dedicated to providing women of diverse backgrounds 
with comprehensive well woman, 
maternity and primary healthcare throughout the life cycle.
 WBWC Goals:
 ·         to offer comprehensive healthcare and educational  programs for women
 ·         to encourage the active participation of women in their own healthcare
 ·         to provide safe, satisfying and affordable healthcare  services in a caring, supportive and culturally sensitive  environment. 
 ·         to participate in the education of communities about the benefits of midwifery care
 In order to accomplish these goals, 
we need your financial support.
 Often people ask:
What does Women’s Birth & Wellness Center do with my donation?
 To provide affordable healthcare for economically disadvantaged families, WBWC has a financial hardship policy with a sliding-fee scale. The goal of this program is to allow low-income families, and families without health insurance to receive our services. Many of the women we serve live below the poverty line, but still do not qualify for Medicaid. Even with the new affordable health care plan, poor families have difficulty paying for their care. The sliding-scale fund helps. Your contributions help us to provide care for all.

Women’s Birth & Wellness Center provides compassionate individualized care to patients for which reimbursement often does not cover our costs. The practices of home visits are a good example. Home visits are made 48 to 72 hoursfollowing childbirth and allow the midwife to assess the status of the mother and newborn without requiring them to leave the comfort of home. Often these visits are not covered by Medicaid or other insurance providers. In order for us to continue post-partum home visits for all patients, supplemental funding is necessary.
  WBWC is expanding lactation services to reach a larger number of people beyond the WBWC family.   The Mothers and Infants Lactation Center (MILC) will provide affordable lactation support to women in the triangle 7 days a week.  We plan to hire a full time lactation consultant to meet this goal, and with community support this can happen.   
As the year comes to a close, and we reflect on the good work
that has been done we ask:
 What more might Women’s Birth & Wellness Center do?
 How can we possibly do all this without your support?
 As part of the birth center movement, you are a person with vision and a commitment to support that vision.  Together we can help strengthen the effort to make natural birth the natural choice for women in our community.  We need your support to make this happen.

 Your gift today will make it possible for us to do even more tomorrow!

Thank you!
 Sincerely yours,
 Women’s Birth & Wellness Center 

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