From the WBWC Blog:

Funding Needed For Groundwater Approach Presentation

Dear WBWC supporters,

We have a specific funding request and would love to give you the opportunity make a community investment. WBWC wants to further walk the walk of racial equity by hosting a “Groundwater Approach Presentation.”  

 We want to provide an on-site, one-day training with the Racial Equity Institute for WBWC staff and volunteers that will help us work harder to improve equity in our community. In an effort to stay focused on the structural and cultural roots of racial inequity, the racial equity institute developed the “Groundwater” metaphor and accompanying analytical framework to explain the nature of racism and it currently exists in the US.

 Please help WBWC cover the costs associated with this important training by sponsoring a staff person’s training. It is $146/person and we have 41 folks on staff. Perhaps you want to help us train 3 staff for $438. 

 Click here to donate. In the “donation message” field please type Groundwater Training.

 Thank you,

Brianna Bennett, Business Director

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