From the WBWC Blog:

Fond Farewell to Rebecca Costello

By Rebecca Costello, IBCLC, MPH

As many of you already know, I am leaving WBWC in mid-May. I’m both so sad to leave such a special place, but also happy to moving closer to family in upstate New York.

When I started at WBWC, I had been a lactation consultant for several years already, but all of that experience was in a hospital setting. I felt confident about supporting families days 0-4 after birth, but what about day 5, or day 365, or day 723? I had so much to learn when I started working here, and every single family I have worked with has taught me something. So while patients often thank me for help, really it should be turned around. So THANK YOU to the families who have been so generous in sharing their lives and their struggles, and putting their trust in us here. 

I am proud that our lactation team has not only provided excellent care to our patients, but also participates in lactation advocacy, research, and leadership. We have grown so much in the past five and a half years. I am thrilled about my successor, Jacquana Smith – she is bringing so much passion and energy to this role, and I know she is going to do great things here and that you will love getting to know her.  My colleagues here at WBWC – LCs, midwives, nurses, lab, front desk, boutique, everyone! – have also taught me volumes, and have also been the most supportive and dedicated and funny group of co-workers I could imagine. I wish I could take WBWC with me when I move, and a piece of my heart will always be here!


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