The Birth of Weston Paul
By Dana Jarmon Weston feels like a miracle baby. In November of 2017 we lost a baby to a rare cervical ectopic pregnancy which resulted in a uterine artery embolization. Due to this embolization, I was told that it was quite possible I would lose my fertility and not be able to have any more children. Only time would tell, so we were surprised and over the moon when we got pregnant our first time trying in May of 2018. It was a beautiful pregnancy, free of complication, and we felt so grateful for the amazing care we received from all of the sweet midwives. I dealt with some anxiety after having a challenging birth with our first son, Beckham, and they helped me work through the ins and outs of a subsequent pregnancy after birth trauma and loss. On Saturday, January 26th at 5:15 AM, I got up to use the restroom and had a contraction on the toilet. It was noticeably different than the Braxton Hicks contractions I had been having, and I was surprised when another one came just six minutes later! After a few more contractions, I decided to take a shower to see if they would continue before waking up my husband, Joseph. Sure enough, they continued to come every six minutes! By 10 AM, they were coming every 3 minutes, and my doula (and best friend) Morgan had come to join us. Although the contractions were close together, they weren’t intense enough to make me feel like it was time to head to the birth center yet. We ate together, I rested, bounced on our birth ball, stood and swayed while I held onto Joseph, and we laughed and chatted and wondered aloud what this baby’s birth would be like. Then by 12:30 PM the contractions fizzled out. I found myself getting frustrated. Why were we going backwards?! If we are having a baby, let’s just have a baby! We went on a walk around our neighborhood, tried some Suki’s Labor and Delivery Blend, and had some time alone to make out with my man. None of these things helped labor to pick back up, so I called the birth center and talked with Emily to see what I should do. She told me to relax and enjoy our day and to stop trying to stimulate labor. She said that whatever happened throughout the day, … Read More