From the WBWC Blog:

Clara Mae’s Birth Story

By Grace Middleton

The week of my birth, I knew I would be holding my baby by the end of the week. My body was ready – hopefully my baby was too! On the Saturday I turned 39 weeks, I bought Suki’s blend from the Boutique and started taking it 2-3 times per day. My Braxton Hicks became much more frequent, and by Tuesday nesting kicked in big time – I cleaned for hours. I scrubbed toilets, was down on my hands and knees mopping the kitchen floor, vacuumed, and everything in between. My house was shining, though I don’t think the baby cared if it was clean or not. I watched Netflix while knitting a little yellow baby hat for our surprise gender baby. By Wednesday I was getting bored (and still having lots of Braxton Hicks) because this was my first week of maternity leave. I drove from Chapel Hill to Raleigh to get Vitamin K drops for the baby – I mean I had to have them and was starting to freak out because I didn’t. Those last couple weeks of pregnancy you go crazy!

Wednesday evening, the Braxton Hicks felt a little different, but I was able to go to bed at midnight telling my husband all was good. Contractions woke me up throughout the night, but they weren’t too bad, and I was able to fall back asleep. I texted my mom in Ohio around 2:30 and told her things seemed to be picking up and for her to be ready to come to NC. Around 7:30, my contractions started feeling like bad period cramping and were much lower. Being inexperienced, I told Wyatt to go to work. I told him to come home after he was at work for less than an hour because I lost my mucous plug! I had him get groceries so I could eat something nutritious for energy. He complied, although I think he was a bit of wreck.

I had some bloody show over the next hour or so and called the birth center. They told me to prepare for a day at home and call when things changed. I tried to relax and work through the contractions. My husband made a great lunch, which I ate in shifts, since the contractions were getting more intense and closer together. We took a short walk, and when we got back home, I told my husband it was time to go in. This was around 2:30 in the afternoon. We went in and got checked. I was 4 centimeters dilated and about 60% effaced. Lydia was the midwife on duty. I was happy because I was hopeful she would be one of the midwives at my birth. She suggested we walk to a shopping center just down the street and check back in 2 hours.

Walking there wasn’t too bad, but when we got there the contractions were much more intense and getting very close. I needed to pee like crazy so we found a shop with a bathroom then decided we would head back to the birth center. As we started to head back, I squatted into a very hard contraction and my water broke. After my water broke, the contractions started steadily coming every 2-3 minutes. My husband wanted to leave me there and go get the car, but I didn’t want to be left alone. We walked back, stopping every few minutes for me to moan through a contraction right there in the middle of the sidewalk with cars speeding past and people walking by. I thought we would never make it back to the birth center, but Wyatt cheered me on.

After what seemed an eternity, we made it back. Lydia checked me out and found there was meconium in the water. She explained that it wasn’t a problem as long as things didn’t take too long from this point. I took a shower and tried not to throw up during contractions. My birth instructor had explained that you go into “labor land”. This was definitely the case. Dealing with the pain and just focusing on making it through put me into a very strange state. I had thought I wouldn’t make much noise during labor, but this proved to be false – the more intense and painful labor became, the louder I was.

I tried the birthing ball for a while, but eventually found the tub to be the most comfortable. Wyatt put on some soft music and I was able to get into a rhythm. I would focus on things in the room or just stare at my husband’s face. I think at this point I was holding out just waiting for my mom to get there. She walked in the door at 7:45 pm. Within minutes I felt the urge to bear down. It suddenly felt like someone had thrown cold water in my face and I came out of the painful world of labor land.

Lydia checked me again. I was at 7 centimeters and in transition. I moved to the bed, but this happened in stages because the contractions were so painful. Everything around me was a blur. I felt like I was in slow motion. All I could think of was making it through each contraction. Once I was on the bed on all fours I wanted to push so badly. Lydia checked me again and told me I couldn’t push. This was the worst feeling I have ever experienced. All my body wanted to do was push and I had to tell it no. This lasted for 2-3 contractions, but it felt like a lifetime. At this point I screamed, “Can I push??” I was told yes and moved to my side for pushing. My husband held one leg and the nurse the other. During pushing was the time that my husband’s support was so crucial. I yelled through contractions right into his ear, and I believe had him in a choke hold!! He took it like a pro. I was very focused during this phase. I didn’t want to move, all I wanted to do was push this baby out. As I pushed I felt a burning and reached down and felt my baby’s head. This gave me extra strength, and with the next contraction the baby was delivered.

The relief and joy was amazing!! At 8:27 our little baby girl entered the world! She was placed on my chest. I was so happy and excited and almost every other emotion you can feel all wrapped up in one. I finally had my baby – a girl! Little Clara Mae. Lydia was tremendous, and my nurse, Emma, was amazing. The birth center was everything I could have hoped for and more. The experience was calm, relaxed, and natural. I am so happy I was able to be in this environment when I brought my baby into this world. I thank God for my baby girl and for the WBWC. My husband and I will definitely be coming back if we have another baby!!



1 thought on “Clara Mae’s Birth Story”

  1. That is so amazing. I was born on this day in 1996. I can’t wait to deliver my first child. I wish to do it naturally and with my mom and fiance. I hope to have a wonderful experience.

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