From the WBWC Blog:

Babywearing 101

New to Babywearing or have a baby carrier that is uncomfortable to use with your child? The Well Carried Child (TWCC) offers a Basic Babywearing small group class or private consultations to up your game!  The Basic Babywearing class demonstrates proper comfort and support using four types of baby carriers for the caregiver and child, ages infant through preschooler. Carriers are available to try on. Participants are welcome to bring their own carriers. This class is family- and child-friendly. Private Babywearing Consultations are a one-on-one conversation about your babywearing needs with hands on help to perfect your technique with your child(ren) and your carriers. Choose one or a combination package to receive a discount. Registration will take place through TWCC (via Square or email

June 25, 6:30-7:30 PM at WBWC

$15 per individual or couple

Alex Sparrow, Certified Babywearing Consultant
Alex discovered her passion for babywearing five years ago with the birth of her first child.  It continues to be an invaluable tool used in her family’s daily life through attachment parenting and outdoor activites like hiking with her three children. She also volunteers with Babywearing International of the Triangle as an Advanced Babywearing Educator, and loves seeing caregivers find the perfect carrier for their child and their lifestyle.  She received her certification as a independent Babywearing Consultant through the Center for Babywearing Studies in June 2017.


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