From the WBWC Blog:

Baby FUNdamentals on Fridays at WBWC

2018 dates: Feb 2 & 16 · Mar 2 & 16 · Apr 6 · May 18 · Sep 21 · Oct 5 & 19 · Nov 16· Dec 7


Maryska Bigos is teaching her popular Baby FUNdamentals class evey other Friday at WBWC!

FUNdamentals link touching, holding, positioning and playing with your baby to building their perceptual, relational, intellectual and movement foundations.


11am-12noon: Crawlers & Waddlers

(Stability, Mobility and Problem-solving to Move through Life)


12noon-1pm: Newborn to 2+months

(Reading Cues, Creating Comfort)


1-2pm: Tummy Timers

(Rolling and Building Core Strength)


Registration & Donation ($5-20) cash or check at the door.


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