by: Brianna Honea
At Women’ Birth & Wellness Center we’re always open on Christmas (in fact we never close) and it’s indisputable that we give our patients the world’s best presents. We never wrap our presents, and no one has ever returned one of our presents. That’s because, at the Birth Center, we deliver brand new babies to joy-filled parents. So, in a sense you could say: “It’s always Christmas at WBWC.”
When it comes to birthing babies, we’re the pros, and even if those little ones decide to come on Dec. 25 we’re at the ready. The WBWC Christmas Tree, which features two paper mache belly casts from pregnant mothers-to-be, are very special because, let’s face it, we deliver the greatest presents on Earth. Even Santa can’t touch the WBWC.
Christmas is a day intimately connected to a birth story. There’s no account of the name of the midwife who was on duty at the first Christmas, but chances are she used the same time-honored loving care that the WBWC midwives give today to new mother who come to our Chapel Hill center to have their babies.
Another unique aspect of our Christmas tree is that like our baby-delivery system, our spruce pine tree is all natural. And when we give a present — a newborn, tiny bundle of joy — it’s always au natural!!!
That’s why WBWC is participating in the Triangle Christmas Tree Challenge. In an effort to show our mission and philosophy we also used mostly natural and educational decorations on our tree. WBWC staff made wooden ornaments with midwifery and birth facts, as well as ornaments from tree branches on which we have the word midwife written in many different languages. We also used pine cones, burlap, classic style clothes pins, baby shoes, the International Breastfeeding Symbol and more. Big thanks to everyone who helped with ideas and decorating.
While most Christmas presents are soon forgotten, there’s never been a WBWC mother in our care who has grown tired of our presents. In fact, most of our patients have detailed memories of the presents they received from us. Merry Christmas!
We hope you and your family can visit WBWC Tree #58 and rally for our tree during the judging! Photos and info about the tree will be found at
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vote online by logging on to: and entering your email address plus the two digit tree #58. The voting period begins 12/6/13 at 7pm and ends at 11:59pm on 12/20/13.