From the WBWC Blog:

Consider Giving

This is a great time of year when we spend time with family and friends and reflect on the spirit of the holiday season.  We hope that as you consider your gift giving, you will remember that your support of our birth center is essential!    At Women’s Birth &Wellness Center we believe that every woman has a right to excellent, healthcare, to have her cultural preferences honored and to be an active partner in her own healthcare.  WBWC Mission: We are dedicated to providing women of diverse backgrounds  with comprehensive well woman,  maternity and primary healthcare throughout the life cycle.  WBWC Goals:  ·         to offer comprehensive healthcare and educational  programs for women  ·         to encourage the active participation of women in their own healthcare  ·         to provide safe, satisfying and affordable healthcare  services in a caring, supportive and culturally sensitive  environment.   ·         to participate in the education of communities about the benefits of midwifery care  In order to accomplish these goals,  we need your financial support.  Often people ask: What does Women’s Birth & Wellness Center do with my donation?  To provide affordable healthcare for economically disadvantaged families, WBWC has a financial hardship policy with a sliding-fee scale. The goal of this program is to allow low-income families, and families without health insurance to receive our services. Many of the women we serve live below the poverty line, but still do not qualify for Medicaid. Even with the new affordable health care plan, poor families have difficulty paying for their care. The sliding-scale fund helps. Your contributions help us to provide care for all. Women’s Birth & Wellness Center provides compassionate individualized care to patients for which reimbursement often does not cover our costs. The practices of home visits are a good example. Home visits are made 48 to 72 hoursfollowing childbirth and allow the midwife to assess the status of the mother and newborn without requiring them to leave the comfort of home. Often these visits are not covered by Medicaid or other insurance providers. In order for us to continue post-partum home visits for all patients, supplemental funding is necessary.   WBWC is expanding lactation services to reach a larger number of people beyond the WBWC family.   The Mothers and Infants Lactation Center (MILC) will provide affordable lactation support to women in the triangle 7 days a week.  We plan to hire a full time lactation consultant to meet this goal, and with community support this can happen.    As the year comes … Read More

Pregnancy, Postpartum and Your Pelvic Floor

Erika Grace, DPT, MPH, MSW of Grace Pelvic Health, will present a patient education seminar, on January 25, 2014, 10:30 am at WBWC. You can learn more about preparation of your pelvic floor for delivery and postpartum recovery, return to exercise after having your baby, proper posture and body mechanics during pregnancy and infant care, and help for common body core discomforts before and after birth. Please contact Erika at 919-929-7990 or for more details.

A Labor of Love – Birthing from Within comes to WBWC!

 Candor Plaza brings years of experience as a doula and advanced Birthing from Within mentor to this lively and empowering childbirth preparation class. In this six week series you will gain a good understanding of how labor works and what you’ll need to know about your new-born babe. You’ll learn effective pain-coping practices and comfort measures to get you through the intensity of labor; while being supported to address concerns or fears you have about giving birth.  We will also explore what’s most important to you for your unique birthing journey. Small group size ensures individualized attention and limited space.  Register now for the Monday evenings upcoming class: 6:30 – 9:00 pm.  Jan 13th – Feb 17th 2014    Contact or visit for details.

Your holiday season – maximize enjoyment!

 by Melissa Capps  We sing “It’s the most wonderful time of the year,” but sometimes the way we feel is far from the lyrics of that great song.  Holidays can be stressful, and sometimes we feel like everyone else is having a great time while we are just spending every last ounce of energy we have.  It shouldn’t be that way!  I have a few simple tips that will help you maximize enjoyment  and minimize stress in this season.   ·         As much as you can, hold off on new projects  This is not a great time of year to undertake redecorating the room you’ve been putting off, or ripping up flooring to install something new in time for Christmas.  We learned this the hard way, as one season we spent Christmas and New Years in the middle of a major DIY renovation.  It really took away from our joy and time as a family.  I say “as much as you can,” because we ourselves are now undertaking a small project that just arrived at the top of the “list.”  It’s been a long time coming. However, it’s not something we’re doing ourselves but paying someone else to do, and it’s quick.  So if you need to dive into something, make sure it’s small and aim to steer clear from DIY. ·        Delegate  If you are hosting for a family meal, party, etc. always say YES when someone asks if they can help or bring something.  Consider yourself the organizer, and delegate out everything that can be done by someone besides you. ·        Purge as you clean  The spaces you should focus on cleaning/de-cluttering are: kitchen, dining room, and living area.  Grab a box for items to donate and a bag for trash, and go for it.  Do not grab armfuls of stuff and throw them into a spare bedroom or your master closet.  Yes, I’ve been reading your mail. J Understand though that this is not a good time to undertake a huge organizing project on your own.  So you won’t exactly be able to find homes for everything floating around.  But, let go of the things that can go.  If you have large items that you want to sell on EBay or Craigslist, post one of those every couple days.  This is a good time to sell, as people are looking for gifts. Find a temporary solution for everything else.  ·        Do what works for you We are all different in how we prefer to shop, decorate, make preparations, … Read More

Little Tommy’s Birth Story

by: Jennifer Leonard  I was 39 weeks and I had contractions off and on for a few days. I had been walking in the evening to help ease things along, as I didn’t want to shoot for a *third* 42-week pregnancy. The night of November 2nd I was up yet again with contractions that were going from 2-3 minutes apart, to 3-5 minutes apart, and just got further and further apart until they were gone about two hours after they started. I went to bed frustrated. I had many nights like this over the past week, and it was tiring me. During the day I was pretty low-function due to the lack ofsleep, and it was tough to keep up with the seven other kiddos I had at home. I was pretty ready to meet our #8!  After waking up November 3rd, I made breakfast for everyone, and started our nice lunch of Lasagna. My parents, sister, and nephew came over to eat with us and have a visit. During lunch I noticed that I was cramping and just feeling “off”. Then I started getting lower back pain, and lower belly pain, along with some serious tightening in my belly. This raised the alarm for me. I knew that if this was the real thing it could potentially progress quickly. My labors had been getting closer and closer together the more kiddos we had.  I started timing things, and they were 2-3 minutes apart. Having already experienced this at night, I was really hoping to feel things get stronger before we headed in to the birth center. Things got a bit more serious; I had to pause during contractions now and was doing some good labor-breathing through my nose. I told my hubby we needed to call the midwife. She told us since they were so close together that we should definitely head in. My sister took over care of my kiddos, and my mom planned to stay the night with them for us. They are amazing women!!  On the drive towards the birth center hubby and I laughed between contractions (typical for us), and he guessed I’d be a 4/5, while I was thinking the worst– I’d be told I was only at about a 2. ::snort:: Things got more intense, and I started to feel a bit more pelvic discomfort as we came up to the front of the birth center. We pulled into the parking lot, and I … Read More

Peace on Earth Begins with Birth

  by: Brianna Honea  At Women’ Birth & Wellness Center we’re always open on Christmas (in fact we never close) and it’s indisputable that we give our patients the world’s best presents. We never wrap our presents, and no one has ever returned one of our presents. That’s because, at the Birth Center, we deliver brand new babies to joy-filled parents. So, in a sense you could say: “It’s always Christmas at WBWC.”   When it comes to birthing babies, we’re the pros, and even if those little ones decide to come on Dec. 25 we’re at the ready. The WBWC Christmas Tree, which features two paper mache belly casts from pregnant mothers-to-be, are very special because, let’s face it, we deliver the greatest presents on Earth. Even Santa can’t touch the WBWC. Christmas is a day intimately connected to a birth story. There’s no account of the name of the midwife who was on duty at the first Christmas, but chances are she used the same time-honored loving care that the WBWC midwives give today to new mother who come to our Chapel Hill center to have their babies. Another unique aspect of our Christmas tree is that like our baby-delivery system, our spruce pine tree is all natural. And when we give a present — a newborn, tiny bundle of joy — it’s always au natural!!!  That’s why WBWC is participating in the Triangle Christmas Tree Challenge.  In an effort to show our mission and philosophy we also used mostly natural and educational decorations on our tree. WBWC staff made wooden ornaments with midwifery and birth facts, as well as ornaments from tree branches on which we have the word midwife written in many different languages. We also used pine cones, burlap, classic style clothes pins, baby shoes, the International Breastfeeding Symbol and more. Big thanks to everyone who helped with ideas and decorating.  While most Christmas presents are soon forgotten, there’s never been a WBWC mother in our care who has grown tired of our presents. In fact, most of our patients have detailed memories of the presents they received from us. Merry Christmas! We hope you and your family can visit WBWC Tree #58 and rally for our tree during the judging! Photos and info about the tree will be found at Text votes to 46988. Tree58 (no space) or vote online by logging on to: and entering your email address … Read More

New Arrivals November

Birth Announcements                  Sophia Anne Natelson – 7 lb, ½ oz. – November 3 * Thomas Eugene Leonard III – 8 lb 3 oz, – November 3 Daniel Stephen Grimes – 9 lb, 7 oz. – November 4  Morgan Buckley – 6 lb, 8 oz. – November 4 Ilana Pearl Burger – 8 lb – November 5 Carly Jaina Strauss – 7lb, 6 oz. – November 8 Sawyer James Clark – 7lb, 6 oz. – November 8 Emma Grace Dart – 7 lb, 1 oz. – November 15 * Fred Liberty Watson – 9 lb – November 16 Joseph Patrick Farris – 9 lb, 8 oz. – November 19 Ansel Wilder McLeod – 9 lb, 11 oz. – November 20 Mary Ainsley Miller – 7 lb, 3 oz. – November 21 Alfonzo Yanez deLuna – 8 lb, 13 oz. – November 22 Arun Beckett Palmquist – 6 lb, 13 oz. – November 22 * Dakota Anne Vanecek – 7 lb, 8 oz. – November 25 Rowan Elizabeth Dunsford – 8 lb, 5 oz. – November 25 * Vayda Marley Nova Ward – 6 lb, 15 oz. – November 26 * Anna Gabriella Morganti – 8 lb, 6 oz. – November 27 * Jacob Stone Rooker – 9 lb, ½ oz. – November 28 * Caitlyn Maeve Dunn – 6 lb, 9 oz. – November 29 * pictured above  Total WBWC November babies 47 Welcome to the World, Sweet Babies!

Staff Spotlight: Jane Gledhill & Kiah Sell-Goodhand

   Jane Gledhill, RN   Originally living in Chicago, IL through her high school years she attended the University of Tennessee-Knoxville which brought on opportunity to live a rural life and spend weekends in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Having earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Nutrition she and her husband moved to the North Carolina side of the mountains onto a 60 acre farm. They grew vegetables, kept chickens, dairy goats, and honey bees.  During that time her first pregnancy ignited a passion for normal, physiological birth. In Asheville at Memorial Mission Hospital with her midwife’s support she delivered her baby breech. Their second child was born on their farm at home into the hands of a midwife as well. After the death of her first husband, Jane met Geof. They were married and she moved with her two children, (and her goats), to his farm at “Cedar Grove” in Orange County, NC.  Jane’s third child was also born at home, attended by her midwife, and caught by Geof. Her passions of breastfeeding and natural healthcare continued throughout the following years of childrearing, homeschooling, and volunteering until finally it was time to get back to school!  Through UNC-Chapel Hill’s fourteen month accelerated nursing program Jane earned a BSN in 2004. Her work became as an RN on the Physical and Medical Rehabilitation Unit and on the Labor and Delivery Unit at UNC Hospital from 2004 through 2010. Then, in 2009 she graduated from ECU’s MSN Midwifery program! Jane moved on to work as a home birth midwife (2010 – 2012) and traveled on two medical mission trips to Haiti as well.  Currently her passion is striving to update the NC CNM practice law through her work as a member of the NC ACNM Legislative Committee. Two of her loves are playing with her three grandchildren and making goat milk soap. She’s so happy to now be caring for the women, and their families, of WBWC.  Kiah Sell-Goodhand, Front Desk Coordinator  Although born in Boston, Kiah is a proud and active citizen of Durham, she returned to the Bull City after receiving B.A. degrees in Sociology and Spanish from the University of North Carolina at Asheville.   After returning to her hometown, Kiah worked with an AmeriCorps program that assists early childhood education programs across the triangle. Prior to joining the WBWC family, Kiah worked for several years as a teacher at … Read More

New Arrivals November

Birth Announcements                  Sophia Anne Natelson – 7 lb, ½ oz. – November 3 * Thomas Eugene Leonard III – 8 lb 3 oz, – November 3 Daniel Stephen Grimes – 9 lb, 7 oz. – November 4  Morgan Buckley – 6 lb, 8 oz. – November 4 Ilana Pearl Burger – 8 lb – November 5 Carly Jaina Strauss – 7lb, 6 oz. – November 8 Sawyer James Clark – 7lb, 6 oz. – November 8 Emma Grace Dart – 7 lb, 1 oz. – November 15 * Fred Liberty Watson – 9 lb – November 16 Joseph Patrick Farris – 9 lb, 8 oz. – November 19 Ansel Wilder McLeod – 9 lb, 11 oz. – November 20 Mary Ainsley Miller – 7 lb, 3 oz. – November 21 Alfonzo Yanez deLuna – 8 lb, 13 oz. – November 22 Arun Beckett Palmquist – 6 lb, 13 oz. – November 22 * Dakota Anne Vanecek – 7 lb, 8 oz. – November 25 Rowan Elizabeth Dunsford – 8 lb, 5 oz. – November 25 * Vayda Marley Nova Ward – 6 lb, 15 oz. – November 26 * Anna Gabriella Morganti – 8 lb, 6 oz. – November 27 * Jacob Stone Rooker – 9 lb, ½ oz. – November 28 * Caitlyn Maeve Dunn – 6 lb, 9 oz. – November 29 * pictured above  Total WBWC November babies 47 Welcome to the World, Sweet Babies!

Fall Recipe “Chili Beans”

 by: Teresa Ray A couple years ago I took this flavorful, no water or salt added, side dish from my younger brother. He uses ground beef and to make mine a bit healthier I switched to ground turkey. “Sweet Baby Ray’s” barbeque sauce is the “go-to” at my home but definitely change it to your favorite! Hearty & filling, enjoy! Ingredients  (Makes 6-8 servings) 1 ½ lbs ground turkey (browned) 1 green bell pepper (grated) 1 medium yellow onion (grated) 1 can 16 oz.  Pinto beans 1 can 16 oz. Kidney Beans 1 can 16 oz. peeled & diced tomatoes ¾ cup of BBQ Sauce 1 Tb. Chili powder 1 tsp. garlic powder Preparation:  1. Cook ground turkey with onion and bell peppers until the turkey is cooked thoroughly. 2. Drain and rinse well all the beans.Drain the can of tomatoes. 3. Put all ingredients in pot and cover. Simmer on low for 35 minutes stir occasionally  Then enjoy!  Sour cream dollop or a sprinkle of cheese on top would give this dish a creamy finish.       

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