Clara Mae’s Birth Story
By Grace Middleton The week of my birth, I knew I would be holding my baby by the end of the week. My body was ready – hopefully my baby was too! On the Saturday I turned 39 weeks, I bought Suki’s blend from the Boutique and started taking it 2-3 times per day. My Braxton Hicks became much more frequent, and by Tuesday nesting kicked in big time – I cleaned for hours. I scrubbed toilets, was down on my hands and knees mopping the kitchen floor, vacuumed, and everything in between. My house was shining, though I don’t think the baby cared if it was clean or not. I watched Netflix while knitting a little yellow baby hat for our surprise gender baby. By Wednesday I was getting bored (and still having lots of Braxton Hicks) because this was my first week of maternity leave. I drove from Chapel Hill to Raleigh to get Vitamin K drops for the baby – I mean I had to have them and was starting to freak out because I didn’t. Those last couple weeks of pregnancy you go crazy! Wednesday evening, the Braxton Hicks felt a little different, but I was able to go to bed at midnight telling my husband all was good. Contractions woke me up throughout the night, but they weren’t too bad, and I was able to fall back asleep. I texted my mom in Ohio around 2:30 and told her things seemed to be picking up and for her to be ready to come to NC. Around 7:30, my contractions started feeling like bad period cramping and were much lower. Being inexperienced, I told Wyatt to go to work. I told him to come home after he was at work for less than an hour because I lost my mucous plug! I had him get groceries so I could eat something nutritious for energy. He complied, although I think he was a bit of wreck. I had some bloody show over the next hour or so and called the birth center. They told me to prepare for a day at home and call when things changed. I tried to relax and work through the contractions. My husband made a great lunch, which I ate in shifts, since the contractions were getting more intense and closer together. We took a short walk, and when we got back … Read More